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    Proven Results

    If you’ve experienced vaginal relaxation or atrophy as a result of childbirth or aging, IntimaLase can help you increase satisfaction for both you and your partner.


    Treatment & Technology

    Traitement Divatyte chez Dermapure

    IntimaLase is a simple, non-surgical laser treatment that is highly effective. During the procedure, an attachment, similar to a speculum used during a PAP test, is inserted into the vagina. The vaginal region is then treated with short laser pulses. The thermal effect on the vaginal mucosa stimulates collagen remodeling and the synthesis of new collagen fibers.

    The IntimaLase procedure is simple and non-surgical, lasting 15 to 20 minutes with no required downtime following treatment.

    Take advantage of this treatment in your clinic

    Treatable Areas

    This treatment is used in the circumference of the vagina.

    IntimaLase is offered in

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    At a Glance


    Personalized Assessment

    You will meet with your physician for an initial consultation, where they will review your health history and goals to determine if you’re a suitable candidate.

    Review Consent Forms

    We’ll walk you through our consent forms and discuss any questions you might have prior to starting your treatment.

    Begin Treatment

    During your procedure, the physician will insert a special attachment into the vagina and begin treatment. While it is usually well-tolerated, some patients may experience discomfort, an intense heat sensation or an itching sensation.

    After Treatment

    There may be some mild swelling and redness immediately after the procedure, as well as a transparent discharge for two to three days. In addition, your physician will review a few restrictions to follow for two weeks after your appointment.

    See if this treatment is right for you

    Cost of treatment

    Please contact your clinic to discuss the cost of this treatment.

    Follow-up & maintenance

    For most patients, only one procedure is required. At your post-treatment follow-up, your physician will determine if a second treatment may help if you are not experiencing the results you had expected.


    We do not offer this treatment to those who are pregnant, have an active infection, or have had an abnormal PAP smear test in the last year.

    Produits Functionalab

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does it take to do the IntimaLase Procedure?

    IntimaLase is a walk-in, walk-out procedure, taking only 15 to 20 minutes to perform. Expect to be at the clinic for no longer than an hour in total.

    Can I exercise after the IntimaLase Procedure?

    Prolonged periods of sustained exercise are not recommended for two weeks immediately following the treatment. For a month after, avoid activities that increase pressure on the bladder and treatment area, such as heavy lifting.

    Can I have sex after IntimaLase?

    Sexual intercourse is not recommended for one to two weeks after the procedure to avoid trauma to the treated area.

    Can I wear tampons after IntimaLase?

    You should refrain from inserting tampons or menstrual cups and discs into the vagina for four weeks after your treatment.

    How soon will I feel results after IntimaLase?

    Results vary between patients. Given the subjective nature of feeling and sensation during sexual relations, quantifying results isn’t possible, though the full result can take up to four months to feel.

    Can I have the treatment if I am menstruating?

    No. The best time to receive this treatment is during the first phase of your menstrual cycle.

    Is the IntimaLase procedure the same as the IncontiLase Procedure?

    No, these are different procedures with different goals. IntimaLase targets the entire circumference of the vaginal canal but will do little to nothing to correct Stress Urinary Incontinence. IncontiLase targets only the anterior wall of the vagina and will result in some tightening of the vagina, but not to the same degree as IntimaLase.

    How will I know if I am a candidate for IntimaLase?

    Some precautions and contraindications for IntimaLase make not everyone a good candidate for the treatment. After you complete a review and medical screening questionnaire, our expert team will discuss whether this is an ideal treatment for you.

    Are there any risks or possible complications?

    All risks and complications will be discussed with you by the physician at the time of your personalized assessment.