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What Causes Redness in the Cheeks?

April 11, 2017


joue rouge et chaude

It is quite normal for our cheeks to blush after an intense workout, because of weather conditions or from a variety of emotional experiences, but the redness should not remain on our faces permanently. Not only is it unsightly, it can be socially embarrassing or even painful in some cases.

The pathology called rosacea is characterized by marked and repeated redness particularly on the cheeks, which can be accompanied by a burning, irritating sensation that can felt across the side of the face to ears. People most affected by this pathology are women and people with pale skin and/or light eyes. The redness – which is initially intermittent and appears in the form of couperose skin – shouldn’t be neglected in order to keep it from expanding and appearing. Fortunately, in all cases, using medical grade vascular lasers can gradually treat this phenomenon. Find out more from our team!

It is interesting to know what kinds of things trigger redness. It all depends on the individual, of course, and it is strongly recommended to consult professionals like the Dermapure team for a diagnostic and to advise you on an effective treatment.

• Changes in Temperature
Just like harsh Canadian winters, Cuban summers can also cause us to redden. In fact, cold and heat both cause increased blood flow, which creates redness in our faces. To prevent this risk, you should avoid extreme weather conditions or properly protect yourself.

• Alcohol Consumption
Whether consumed occasionally or abusively, alcohol can devitalize the skin and accelerate its aging, thus causing redness.

• Consuming Certain Foods
Some foods, like spicy foods, as well as very hot food in general, are likely to cause redness in some people’s faces. Since this varies from one person to the next, you should pay particular attention to the ingredients in your food in order to avoid this.

• Emotional Stress
Stress and anxiety are emotions that we cannot always express. Trying to control it can intensify redness in the cheeks and, in extreme cases, may even cause dermatological disorders.

• Genetic Predisposition
Current research shows that people whose parents had rosacea are very likely to be affected with it as well. A genetic blood circulation problem may in particular cause redness in the face.

• UV Rays
One of the most common kinds of damage caused by the sun is redness to the face. In fact, the sun’s rays, as well as exposure to tanning lamps, can cause the blood vessels to dilate which can be permanent if your skin is not protected with a sunscreen suitable for your particular skin type.

• Cosmetics
People prone to rosacea most often have very sensitive skin and the cosmetics they use must accommodate this characteristic. Alcohol-free and perfume-free moisturizing creams and cosmetics are preferable.

• Related Pathologies
Although research in this field is still underway, it has already been scientifically proven that some pathologies like blood pressure, chronic cough, vascular hypersensitivity or even menopause can cause redness in the face.

Don’t hesitate to contact our experts at 1-877-781-1811 for your free evaluation. We can properly advise you on the most appropriate treatment to help you regain your healthy skin and a uniform complexion…to make others blush!

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